Attending the blind dates parents arrange shows you're actively trying to find a partner. It'll help them ease up.
Whether you're trying to find a business partner, attract investors, or close clients, being persuasive is a powerful and necessary skill.
The researchers found that when trying to get a job, find a partner, pass an exam or get through surgery, those who spent more time entertaining positive fantasies did worse.
I mean it's more or less the same thing, except you're trying to find a company to work for rather than a partner to, uh, have beer with.
By 2000, he was a partner in J.P. Morgan's RiskMetrics unit, trying to find ways to leverage a new generation of risk-based financial assets.
By 2000, he was a partner in J.P. Morgan's RiskMetrics unit, trying to find ways to leverage a new generation of risk-based financial assets.