Jim said he felt like an otter, since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim underwater a long way.
"Turn and twist!" honked the goose.
Jim said he felt like an otter, since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim under water a long ways.
That is why the poet has to turn and twist them in metre and verse, so that the meaning may be held somewhat in check, and the feeling allowed a chance to express itself.
Bertha Mason, a character in the autobiographical novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, has always been ignored and regarded only as a supporting part that makes the plot turn and twist.
He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.
All roads no matter how they twist and turn, can lead us home in our hearts.
Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand.
As the long sections twist and turn in the waves they pull the RAMS in and out of the modules like pistons.
While kicking theshuttlecock frontways, sideways and behind her, she could also clap her hands, twist her legs and even turn her body all the way around.
What starts out as praise of Michael Sandel's Harvard course on "Justice," for instance, quickly takes a sour turn and an illogical twist.
What starts out as praise of Michael Sandel’s Harvard course on “Justice,” for instance, quickly takes a sour turn and an illogical twist.
Turn it over to the physicists however, and it begins to morph, twist and even crumble away.
Don't turn, twist, and run in circles if you are trying to get somewhere.
But since there are millions of ways that the bonds between the atoms in an enzyme's molecules can twist and turn, calling on the masses for this kind of challenge makes a lot of sense.
Then there was a twist to the story: Jeanne had asked Danielle to turn in a paper for her, and another friend had informed Jeanne that Danielle had failed to do it.
"It was an truly amazing sight," he told the Daily Mail. "I've been a fisherman for 20 years and I also kayak out there and it's common to see them twist and turn and shoot through the air."
Stunning imagery, intense action and tangible emotion at every twist and turn of the game.
Twist also supports manual tests, so less technical users can create a manual test first, and technical users can turn it into an automated test when the team is ready.
Almost half of those who twist or turn an ankle experience additional sprains or ongoing weakness and pain.
But their light steps dance, twist and turn while they dances. No one notice their weight and fat.
Daenerys could only twist and turn beside him.
The roads leading to the most beautiful places always twist and turn and double back on themselves.
Using cameras attached to their heads, the daredevils capture every twist and turn of their extreme escapade before uploading the footage to social network sites.
There always seems to be another twist and turn in evolution's creations awaiting trowel-wielding scientists.
Don't turn, twist, and run in circles if you are trying to get somewhere. <O.
Don't turn, twist, and run in circles if you are trying to get somewhere. <O.