Compeer mental tutorship is a kind of school mental health education model.
All consultations and tutorship will be carried out by email and must be written in English.
But if some parents come to ask for our help, it's only fair that they pay for the tutorship.
The system has such functions as standard query, decision-making support and study tutorship and so on.
It is an important part of library reading tutorship work to recommend readers to read poems and articles.
As Hume's options lay between a traveling tutorship and a stool in a merchant's office, he chose the latter.
After tutorship test and appraise with same scale, and then use SPSS10. 0 to process and analysis the test data.
Under the tutorship of Silennus, the Satyr, he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine.
The reading begins at 7 o'clock, in corridor and classroom, students all read their books serious in teacher's tutorship.
You may acquire 8 times face - to - face service from professional interpreters, professional tutorship, gratified consultation.
Objective to learn the effects of the swift and positive group psychological tutorship to solve the mental crisis of the college students.
So, I can provide tutorship with those who are scheduled to leave for English speaking country to pursue polytechnic, college or university studies.
Conclusion That the tutors compete for tutoring position satisfies the requirement of the contemporary era and improves the quality of tutorship and learning quality.
The text discusses one of assisted measures: making use of the technique of multimedia and modern communicates to establish a web of tutorship and answering questions.
This hangover not only leaves its mark on the dearth of top management for the industries, but also rears its head when it comes to the quality of its universities' leadership and tutorship.
Career tutorship career information management rules and director's support is related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and turnover intention is only related to director's support.
Career tutorship career information management rules and director's support is related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and turnover intention is only related to director's support.