Approach them because you respect their work and because you think the two of you could grow together.
This is a good strategy for cases where the application never accesses two pieces of data together and both data pieces might grow very large (in the order of gigabytes or terabytes).
These two bushes can grow together, they like the same kind of soil.
These two bushes can grow together; they like the same kind of soil.
Life is the common business of the vineyard, two people grow together, and harvest.
However, you need to remember that it is that connection that holds you two together to help each other grow.
Distance makes heart grow fonder, so when two live together, it is still important to leave a space for each other.
55 love is an art, love is two people grow together, it must have the exchange, there is the exchange of understanding, there is a deeper understanding of love.
Over time, the parts from the two plants grow together.
Two souls come together with very similar assignments, and choose to spend many, many years working through their lessons and helping each other grow.
This union is somewhat dull in other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television.
The bottom line is when two best friends don't change and grow together, their relationship can be put to the test, and not all friendships are meant to5 last forever.
The only meaning for any two persons staying together is to help each other to grow.
The two of us no matter who meet with difficulties, he is always help, such as mom and dad grow old, we can also take care of mom and dad together.
Very often, we find that two people who come together out of love grow apart as the years go by.
The two together, the first three quarters of industry sales continue to grow rapidly, the growth rate reached 48.7%.
It takes time to grow, requires tolerance and patience between the two with faithful hearts to stay together.
It takes time to grow, requires tolerance and patience between the two with faithful hearts to stay together.