Program instruction set, logic stack and data type of I/O memory which are tied up with tasks in the soft-PLC system are analyzed and studied.
Application of dynamic high type control method in the servo system of O-E theodolite is discussed in detail in the dissertation. A method differing from the former is brought forward.
To treat high concentration of caprolactam sewage more effectively, up flow type of anaerobic sludge reactor was used to pre-treat before the former A/O system.
This is a new type instrument which can be used for on line annealing test and quality monitoring control system o...
To overcome the shortcomings above, the drying system was modified, including a new type of dehydrator used, a new drying tower with two sections adopted, the watt o…
针对上述缺陷,对聚合装置原有干燥系统进行了一系列改造,包括脱水机的转型、 干燥塔分段设计、降低第一风机功率、相互交换氮气热能等,克服了原工艺存在的弊端。
To overcome the shortcomings above, the drying system was modified, including a new type of dehydrator used, a new drying tower with two sections adopted, the watt o…
To overcome the shortcomings above, the drying system was modified, including a new type of dehydrator used, a new drying tower with two sections adopted, the watt o…