Some types of secrets include financial information, details about your company's products, secret information about how your company makes products (like Coke and KFC) and future business plans.
Some types of secrets include financial information, details about your company's products, secret information about how your company makes products (like Coke and KFC) and future business plans.
Main business of the Company and the agents of all types of goods and technology import and export business, in Kunshan and Shanghai port declaration.
The company is in Ningbo Yinzhou Central District registered a foreign trade company, located in Wanda Plaza commercial center. Main business products include: various types of fasteners .
Our company provides many kinds of vehicle types like providing spare vehicles for the business exhibition participations, the vehicles for picking up staffs and the visitors.
The company was founded in 2008, main business: Domestic trade sales and types of breeding.
The Main Business for the company is all types of game software development; the most recognizable works are: the Paladin series and the Tycoon series.
主要营业项目为各类游戏软件开发,代表作品有: 仙剑奇侠传系列、大富翁系列。
The company owns nearly 200 square meters business area and has the most abundant types of goods.
The company owns nearly 200 square meters business area and has the most abundant types of goods.