He could not help thinking how uncanny the man's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor.
Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face.
The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.
"There're a thousand things that could go wrong with a computer-generated facial performance, and any one of those could make it fall into the uncanny valley," he says.
It gives his films an uncanny feature: the familiar made unfamiliar, the normal made suspicious.
There is uncanny resemblance between "The Road", and "The Pesthouse".
The problem that's been revealed in finance literature is that there's an uncanny tendency for the stock price to go up after the company awards large quantities of options to its executives.
The new design pushes the envelope of human-robot interaction, and Ishiguro is certainly not afraid of exploring the depths of the uncanny valley.
The Halloween of this century has pretty much lost its uncanny power, unless one is four years old and terrified of an uncle dressed as Count Dracula.
现在的万圣节,差不多已经失去了过去的种种神秘色彩(对于鬼神的敬畏之情,再难见到)。除非你是一个四岁的小娃娃,才会被打扮成德库拉伯爵( Count Dracula,吸血鬼)的大叔给吓到。
When CG-dominated films can create onscreen creatures indistinguishable from real-world humans and animals (without toeing the uncanny valley), a wall will come down.
Only two of them, however, are needed to explain the uncanny valley. These are humanness and eeriness.
On some days, it is the only substantial communication between us, because our kids have an uncanny knack of interrupting all of our conversations.
But by any name or reckoning, it remains a place apart, with an uncanny ability to weave itself into the dreams of all who draw near.
With her glossy mane of dark hair, pouting lips and sparkling green eyes, it is true that she is strikingly beautiful and does, as boasted, bear an uncanny resemblance to the film star.
It was uncanny, like meeting a person in the street whom you feel you know but cannot place.
If the last few years taught us anything, it's that the unthinkable has an uncanny knack of happening.
Many robots that attempt to seem lifelike often fall short because of what is termed the 'uncanny valley' - when a humanoid robot becomes creepier the closer to a human it looks.
So we are faced with the uncanny possibility that monogamy in humans is affected by essentially the same brain mechanisms as monogamy in voles.
The Obama agenda for testing, accountability, and choice bears an uncanny resemblance to the Republican agenda of the past 30 years, but with one significant difference.
And the smile is frozen, set forever, a fixed uncanny moustachioed grin above a devilish goatee beard.
One of the richest men in Estonia, he has an uncanny sense of timing.
Men may bemoan women's uncanny ability to remember every word and nuance of an argument weeks later, but there's a scientific basis for the gender gap.
Men have the uncanny ability to find nearly anything humorous. Funny is funny, and whether the joke is appropriate or not doesn't matter to most guys.
In addition to lowering expectations, this avoids any trespass into the so-called uncanny valley, a term invented by pioneering Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori more than 40 years ago.
It was, in its own way, a fitting epitaph to the Middle East's attempts to qualify for the World Cup, providing an uncanny analysis of the region.
Workers in the field refer to the perceptual crevasse which separates acceptable caricature from accurate representation as “the uncanny valley”—and the “The Polar Express” fell right into it.
Now scientists at the College of Wooster in Ohio say that you might have had a skill you didn't realize: the uncanny ability to hear a bully coming.
Russia has created a large class of "state companies" that have an uncanny knack for acquiring assets from the private sector at knock-down prices.
Russia has created a large class of "state companies" that have an uncanny knack for acquiring assets from the private sector at knock-down prices.