For a class of uncertain linear system, a more practical model of actuator faults than discrete fault model is considered.
This paper studies the delay dependent memoryless robust stabilization problem for a class of uncertain linear system with time varying delays in both state and control.
The optimal control design for the uncertain piecewise linear system has been converted to the problem of optimizing upper bound and seeking lower bound of the optimal control performance.
A method of sliding mode control based on fuzzy logic, for a class of linear uncertain system shown in phase coordinate, is presented It if derived from the principle of sliding mode control.
The robust guaranteed cost filter design problem for linear uncertain system is studied, including continuous time and discrete time systems.
The integrated design problem of feedback controller and robust fault detection filter is studied for uncertain linear time invariant system.
The observer design for linear singular time-delay system with uncertain input is studied.
Then, an algorithm based on iterative linear matrix inequality (ILMI) was proposed to compute the static output feedback gain of continuous uncertain T-S closed-loop fuzzy system.
为了计算连续不确定T - S闭环模糊系统的静态输出反馈增益,提出了基于迭代线性矩阵不等式的算法。
This paper studies the synthesis and design problem of variable structure control for a linear discrete uncertain singular system with time-delays.
In this paper, a kind of linear uncertain state-space system is stabilized, and some new criteria of robust stabilization using impulsive control are established.
The problem of the state feedback robust stabilization for a class of linear uncertain system with multi-time delays is studied.
A new method is presented for actuator fault detection and reconstruction based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) in the matched uncertain dynamic system.
This paper proposes a simple adaptive control (SAC) system design approach for processes with uncertain time delay and Affine linear structured uncertainty.
The robust controller is designed using linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) for the nominal linear flight system. And then, the uncertain nonlinear input term is compensated using the neural network.
They have superiority in the uncertain model and non-linear system and time variant system control, due mostly to their being independent of precise mathematical model.
They have superiority in the uncertain model and non-linear system and time variant system control, due mostly to their being independent of precise mathematical model.