There are some destabilizing and uncertain elements in Central Asia. It is of great significance to maintaining the stability in the region for China and Kyrgyzstan to strengthen security cooperation.
South Asia and the Middle East and North Africa have escaped the worst effects of the crisis, while Sub-Saharan Africa has been hard hit, with the outlook for the region remaining uncertain.
A novel real-time intelligent decentralized control strategy applicable to the nonlinear, uncertain, fuzzy system of urban region traffic was presented.
The final results indicate that all the present ocean co tidal models are too uncertain to determine accurately the oceanic correction in the Antarctic region.
U. S. official in the region said the Americans, too, were uncertain about Mr. Mehsud's fate. 'We've heard all the same rumors, ' the official said.
U. S. official in the region said the Americans, too, were uncertain about Mr. Mehsud's fate. 'We've heard all the same rumors, ' the official said.