With the world energy consumption rising, fractured shale reservoirs as an important unconventional oil and gas resources attract more and more attention.
China is abundant in unconventional oil and gas resources, such as heavy oil, tight sandstone oil and gas, shale gas, coalbed methane, nature gas hydrate and etc.
It's one of the issues we must consider at present how to regulate the exploration of unconventional oil and gas resources and related transactions in a legal perspective.
Increasing pressure in the oil and gas supply situation, the need to strengthen technology and theoretical research of unconventional oil and gas resources including heavy oil.
Present progress on conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources exploration is introduced. Theoretical supports to exploration of oil and gas resources in new domain from sc...
Present progress on conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources exploration is introduced. Theoretical supports to exploration of oil and gas resources in new domain from scientific dri...
Natural gas hydrate which plays a fair role in sealing the conventional oil and gas reservoirs is a new unconventional energy resources with great potentialities.
The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small, while oil shale, coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation.
The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small, while oil shale, coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation.