The road is nominally under the control of UN peacekeeping troops.
Under the control of the thugs, I was impressed by the pluck and helplessness of the Burmese. I made up my mind to do something for them.
Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction.
Are managed under the control of the business.
Cons: Largely under the control of Colombian rebel groups.
Execute's actions will therefore be under the control of Kilim's scheduler.
What steps are involved in running an applet under the control of a web browser?
What happens to systems not under the control of the synchronization service?
London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of Home Secretary.
The funds under management remain substantially under the control of the bank’s branches.
The funds under management remain substantially under the control of the bank's branches.
Requirements are managed by the entire team but are under the control of the product owner.
But they will not be fully independent, remaining under the control of local school boards.
To mirror and use LVM without VERITAS, you would have to bring these filesystems under the control of SVM.
要在不使用VERITAS的情况下镜像和使用LVM,就必须让这些文件系统受s VM控制。
Transactions: These are programs running under the control of transaction managers such as CICS and IMS/TM.
The source data remains under the control of the source systems and is pulled on demand for federated access.
Bring the United States under the control of a powerful offshore super bank known as the bank of the World.
It writes lines from its standard input to log files under the control of instructions you enter as command-line arguments.
Through-The-Lens (TTL) mode, on the other hand, puts the flash unit’s output under the control of the camera and flash.
Because the cib.xml is under the control of the heartbeat process, avoid modifying this file when the cluster is running.
因为cib . xml受到heartbeat进程的控制,所以应避免在集群运行时修改此文件。
Although hyperlinks do transfer your application from one page to another, they do so completely under the control of the user.
After the death of Cixi in 1908, the court came under the control of Puyi's father Prince Chun (1883-1951), who became the regent.
1908年,慈溪去世后,溥仪的父亲醇亲王(1883- 1951)操控实权,成为摄政王。
Because all disks are already under the control of the LVM, you don't need to partition nor define disk as being under a volume manager.
It is a general-purpose component that writes data from a text CAS into tables in a relational database under the control of an XML configuration file.
它是一个通用组件,用于在XML配置文件的控制下将来自文本CAS 的数据写入关系数据库表中。
It is a general-purpose component that writes data from a text CAS into tables in a relational database under the control of an XML configuration file.
它是一个通用组件,用于在XML配置文件的控制下将来自文本CAS 的数据写入关系数据库表中。