Before the trial got under way, Mayer said his client was nervous.
Since then, the two parties have gone through a trial, conviction, a mistrial, and now the retrial of Thomas is well under way and just entered its second day.
One large scale phase III trial involving 16 000 volunteers is currently under way in Thailand.
泰国目前正在开展涉及16 000名自愿者的一次大型三期试验。
The Libyan is part-way through an appeal against his 2001 conviction, at a trial held in the Netherlands heard under Scottish law.
And, by the standards of Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian investigative journalist whose murder trial is now under way in Moscow, he did nothing extraordinary.
Initial trials of PLX4032 suggest it may be as good as, or even better than, ipilimumab at improving sufferers' survival. A full-scale, double-blind trial is now under way.
He added plans are currently under way to conduct such a trial, which is expected to launch by the end of 2008.
Now, with the trial under way, Stela was kept in an isolated holding cell, guarded by four armed deputies.
Schneider said a larger clinical trial is currently under way in Germany and another is planned for the U. S.
A broader therapeutic trial that involves a year of low-dose chloroquine treatment will get under way soon.
A broader therapeutic trial that involves a year of low-dose chloroquine treatment will get under way soon.