"To make a mountain out of a molehill" is to make an unimportant matter seem important.
Never belittle them or their interests, no matter how superficial, unimportant, or even misguided their interests may seem to you.
Relatively speaking, this matter is unimportant.
No matter how the world misunderstand me, I will always follow my heart, not caring the eyes others see me, for my steps will always not stop for the people unimportant to me, or the scandal.
My unwillingness to discuss them isn't a matter of my judgment that they're unimportant, just trying to keep at least roughly on track.
The matter was so unimportant that she dismissed it from her mind.
No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things.
In the whole life, there are always some episodes which were regarded unimportant but in fact decide the whole matter.
In the whole life, there are always some episodes which were regarded unimportant but in fact decide the whole matter.