The w3 users are uniquely identified by an HKEY id.
Each list and view is uniquely identified with a GUID.
Topology is uniquely identified by its name and namespace.
A client script is uniquely identified by its key and its type.
A startup script is uniquely identified by its key and its type.
It is uniquely identified by its name within the scope of a topology.
Every operation message must be uniquely identified and digitally signed.
Identifiable means that every resource can be uniquely identified via well-defined syntax.
A feed is a uniquely identified, titled, and time-stamped collection of syndicated resource entries.
Therefore, every smart tag type is uniquely identified by its tag name in addition to its namespace.
You may already be aware that an encyclopedia contains objects that are uniquely identified by their GUID.
Fragmented statistics of a column is uniquely identified by the combination of tabid, fragid, and colno.
Has all inspection, measuring, and test equipment used for production acceptance been uniquely identified?
An entry is a uniquely identified, time-stamped resource with metadata such as title, summary, and categories.
Each row of each metadata table is uniquely identified in the MSIL portion of the PE file by a metadata token.
A class loaded by a class loader instance is uniquely identified by that class loaders namespace and the class name.
A monitoring context is created for the LoanID, and each monitoring context instance is uniquely identified by this key.
Requirement is contained in the unit and is uniquely identified by its name with in the scope of a unit, as shown in Listing 16.
The above documents which are uniquely identified are prepared by a design engineer designated by the Engineering Director.
In addition, any relative script URI is converted to an absolute URI to ensure that each script is uniquely identified by the URI.
This copy is identified as a true copy of the original prior to issuance to BPS for filing in uniquely identified lever arch files.
A MemberLink instance defined in the topology model is uniquely identified by its name within the scope of a unit, as shown in Listing 28.
A HostingLink instance defined in the topology model is uniquely identified by its name with in the scope of a unit, as shown in Listing 26.
Disaster recovery and high availability fail-overs require that resources involved in these processes be uniquely identified across all nodes.
A collection of data in which each item is uniquely identified by a label, by its position relative to the other items or by some other means.
The information related to each execution of a step is uniquely identified in the WIP by an edition number, associated to a specific execution of a step.
WIP 中将通过版本号来惟一识别与每一步的执行相关的信息,因为版本号是与特定的执行步骤相关联的。
Each row of a table is uniquely identified by a primary key composed of one or more columns. This implies that a table may not contain duplicate rows.
A DependencyLink instance that is defined in the topology model is uniquely identified by its name within the scope of a requirement, as shown in Listing 24.
The unit can contain artifact(s) where each of the artifact instances is uniquely identified by its name within the scope of a unit, as shown in Listing 22.
在在个单元所包含的工件中,其中每一个都可以在这个单元范围内通过它的名称进行唯一的识别,如清单 22所示。
The unit can contain artifact(s) where each of the artifact instances is uniquely identified by its name within the scope of a unit, as shown in Listing 22.
在在个单元所包含的工件中,其中每一个都可以在这个单元范围内通过它的名称进行唯一的识别,如清单 22所示。