These are the things that make you uniquely you.
You are uniquely you and your thoughts, actions and behaviours are uniquely you.
It's just a matter of accepting opportunities, implementing ideas, taking action, and actively expressing the purpose that is uniquely YOU.
Your own personality as you know it, that portion of you that you consider most precious, most uniquely you, will never be destroyed or lost.
Director Singh thinks the Social Network actor is uniquely qualified to play the royal role: "if you had to draw a prince, you'd probably draw Armie."
Since you take control of the web server, Node.js is uniquely suited for the advance of the realtime web.
因为你可以控制网站服务器,Node . js对实时网站的适应程度是独一无二的。
To uniquely represent a dimension using identifiers from an operational system, you sometimes need to use a composite key.
For each "face" that the enterprise needs to present to the market, you create an extended site that contains all necessary customizations to uniquely position the site for a specific market.
I share this story with you not because it's unique, but because it is uniquely American.
Anything from table cells to form fields to links, you can uniquely reference and modify client side through both their attributes and CSS properties.
DRBD supports a large number of useful options, so you can optimize it to uniquely fit your application.
It is imperative to make sure that your screen recognition criteria uniquely defines the screen or screens where you want your customization applied.
You can define any value but make sure it uniquely identifies the particular table.
You may already be aware that an encyclopedia contains objects that are uniquely identified by their GUID.
You must use this attribute to identify the table uniquely.
However, if you can't dynamically access this newly generated, uniquely named link, you can't continue the automated test.
Dividing documentation content into multiple, uniquely identifiable units of information can increase the number of documentation files you have to manage and maintain.
What you get at the end of the day is a colored piece, corresponding to the responses model of neurons that uniquely tells us that the patients want us to reach over to the left and up.
You see your physical human bodies contain crystalline particles and a rich array of minerals that are uniquely relative to the earth.
If you don't, you need to have some way of uniquely identifying each user in a database table (a primary key, usually an integer), a username (also unique), an E-mail address, a password, etc.
If you know the period, then the distance to the satellite follows uniquely.
When there are multiple process instances, you need to be able to uniquely identify the process instance that returns the response.
So again, if you know the radius, if you know how far you are away from the Earth, the period follows uniquely.
Brand DISTINCTION means you stand out uniquely and unequivocally different than your competition both internally and externally while being congruent with your Brand Promise.
This is not just a uniquely Russian tale, as you can see.
Have you noticed any language usage that is uniquely Chinese?
Have you noticed any language usage that is uniquely Chinese?