This research, published recentlyin Physical Review Letters,supports a theory put forward several years ago by John Abrahamson, a chemicalengineer from the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand.
这一研究发表在最新的《物理评论快报》上,它支持了John Abrahamson多年前提出的一个理论。 John Abrahamson是新西兰坎特伯里大学的一位化学工程师。
The project was based on a concept developed by Glenn Martin in 1981 and verified by the University of Canterbury, Mechanical Engineering Department, in New Zealand.
The study, carried out with the Universities of Otago and Canterbury in New Zealand and the University of Southampton, was published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.
Two decades later, a research group led by Lucy Johnston of the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand, performed a more robust test of the idea.
20年后,由露西·约翰斯顿(Lucy Johnston)领导的一个坎特伯雷大学研究小组在新西兰对此想法进行了更有力的测试。
Two decades later, a research group led by Lucy Johnston of the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand, performed a more robust test of the idea.
20年后,由露西·约翰斯顿(Lucy Johnston)领导的一个坎特伯雷大学研究小组在新西兰对此想法进行了更有力的测试。