At the University of Central Missouri, Curtis Cooper, a math professor, was one of the early enthusiasts, joining Gimps in 1997.
A city of central Missouri north-northwest of Jefferson city. The main campus of the University of Missouri (established 1839) is here. Population, 69,101.
A city of central Missouri north-northwest of Jefferson city. The main campus of the University of Missouri (established 839) is here. Population, '9, 0.
美国密苏里州中部城市,位于杰斐逊西北偏北,是密苏里大学(建于839年)的主要校园所在地。人口' 9,0。
A city of central Missouri north-northwest of Jefferson city. The main campus of the University of Missouri (established 839) is here. Population, '9, 0.
美国密苏里州中部城市,位于杰斐逊西北偏北,是密苏里大学(建于839年)的主要校园所在地。人口' 9,0。