Laval University of Quebec released this finding in 2006, that children who slept even an hour or two less than other children became more overweight.
The fastest speed so far in the competition's 20-year history came during the 2007 competition, when a University of Quebec team reached 8.035 knots with its Omer 5 sub.
In a study by scientists at the University of Quebec in Canada, women and men both said they felt better when they sniffed pleasant fragrances while foul smells put them in a bad mood.
Dr Jens Pruessner of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute in Quebec, who helped carry out the study, said: 'Previous findings have shown that the risk for anxiety.
Dr Jens Pruessner of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute in Quebec, who helped carry out the study, said: 'Previous findings have shown that the risk for anxiety.