Unmarried women voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama.
Now, a growing number of unmarried women to start their own home.
In 2007, unmarried women had higher income than their 1970 counterparts.
Why are there so many great unmarried women and no great unmarried men?
In 2000, 22 million unmarried women who were eligible to vote didn't do so.
He's teaching unmarried women not to get married and young men not to get married.
unmarried women could only own one dress,unless theywere heiresses who had inherited castles.
The results showed that unmarried women experienced more interrupted sleep than married women.
Strengthening the healthy reproduction propagating and serving to unmarried women floating population.
Also in the 1700's, unmarried women pinned five bay leaves to their pillows on the eve of Valentine's Day.
Sixty-one percent of unmarried men aged 18 and 34 do not have a partner, nor do half of unmarried women the same age.
The estimated 1, 714, 643 babies born to unmarried women in 2007 accounted for 39.7 percent of all births in the country.
Contrast that with Europe: in Sweden in 2008 55% of births were to unmarried women, while in Iceland the share was 66%.
For some unmarried women there is a time in their late 20s and early 30s when being a bridesmaid becomes a rite of passage.
Strangely, a number of psychiatrists stated that, in their experience, unmarried women patients were happier than married ones.
Additionally, unmarried women or those living with a partner were also at a greater risk than those who "planned" their pregnancies.
In Montana, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays, and illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all.
Additionally, unmarried women or those living with a partner were also at a greater risk than those who planned their pregnancies.
After the wedding, unmarried women dance in a circle around the blindfolded bride, waiting for her to place her crown on someone's head.
Analysts say the marriage gap is grounded in the different daily lives and cultural outlooks that many married and unmarried women have.
Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a separate festival in honor of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.
Their assignment was to infiltrate West Germany, seek out powerful, unmarried women, romance them, and squeeze from them all their secrets.
The total number of births, birth rate and proportion of births to unmarried women all increased by 3 percent to 5 percent from 2006 to 2007.
Seventy percent of these unmarried men distributed in the village, but over seventy percent of these unmarried women distributed in the city.
Method:Evaluate 398 cases of unmarried women before induced abortion or drug induced abortion using table SCL 90 of systematic self evaluation.
方法:采用症状自评量表SCL- 90 ,在接受药物流产或人工流产前对398例未婚妇女进行测评。
The conclusion is that East Asia's growing cohorts of unmarried women reflect less the breakdown of marriage than the fact that they are avoiding it.
Although the overall number of single men is still higher than that of unmarried women, in some areas single women now outnumber their male counterparts.
Although the overall number of single men is still higher than that of unmarried women, in some areas single women now outnumber their male counterparts.