Deterministic function calls can be extracted from the WHERE clause to avoid unnecessary table scan.
If you leave the unit powered-on for 20 minutes without performing any operation, the auto power off function will turn the power off automatically, avoiding unnecessary battery consumption.
It is generally unnecessary to verify the isolation capacitance on a switch card, because the capacitance is a mechanical function and should not change over time.
If those surrounding muscles get tight and pull the pelvis put of place, this can put unnecessary stress on the psoas and impede it's function.
Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Transform Ops using the rotate function to generate unnecessary coordinate systems.
ODBC API function for adding, editing, and deleting records, this optimization is unnecessary.
Do not frequently operate the el key which will trigger the function of glowing at night as the said function will consume too much electricity, thus avoiding unnecessary electricity consumption.
Do not frequently operate the el key which will trigger the function of glowing at night as the said function will consume too much electricity, thus avoiding unnecessary electricity consumption.