This property contains a predefined value of the sort of operation or state transition the component wants to propagate up to the application level.
Because we've already connected it up with the control, these automatically propagate.
Currently there is no way for a component controller to process part of an event and then propagate it up to a higher controller for further processing.
Documentation states that mouse wheel events propagate up the container hierarchy, but the bug prevents this from happening so you'll need to attach the listener to the button.
Practitioners can choose when to propagate others' work into their workspaces and when they will harvest their changes back up to the project models.
The cracks tend to propagate in the area of high ferrite proportion through fracturing matrix Bridges among graphite nodules and linking up the close nodules.
"By communicating with your neighbors, information can propagate multiple hops, " explains Smith, "So you can actually end up building a reasonably long-horizon plan in a distributed way.
"By communicating with your neighbors, information can propagate multiple hops, " explains Smith, "So you can actually end up building a reasonably long-horizon plan in a distributed way.