The SYSSTAT schema contains a small number of updatable views that are based on the system catalog tables.
One set of read-only views is created under the SYSCAT schema, and a smaller set of updatable views is created under the SYSSTAT schema.
其中一组只读视图在SYSCAT模式下创建,另一组更小的可更新视图则是在SYSSTAT 模式下创建的。
These updatable views allow you to update certain statistical information to investigate the performance of a hypothetical database, or to update statistics without using the RUNSTATS utility.
A more detailed discussion of how to use the updatable catalog views to optimize performance is beyond the scope of this article.
In fact, you can use SQL UPDATE statements to change the values of statistical columns in updatable catalog views.
SYSSTAT: a set of updatable catalog views.
Based on the multiple relation FD theory, this paper discusses the three topics: 1. Proper definitions of the consistent and updatable relational views.
Based on the multiple relation FD theory, this paper discusses the three topics: 1. Proper definitions of the consistent and updatable relational views.