During Quaternary, the paleogeography and environmental evolution of Jiuquan basin experienced a prolonged and complicated process, intensely affected by the uplift of Tibetan Plateau.
Since the beginning of the Quaternary, with the uplift of Tibetan Plateau, the Asian monsoon was established and became the controlling factor of the climate and environmental change of China.
The Haizi Shan, located in the central Shaluli Mountain, eastern Tibetan Plateau, experienced tectonic uplift of great amplitude and extensive glaciation during the Quaternary.
The study of marginal areas of Tibetan plateau, especially of gravels, can help to understand and constrain the evolution and mechanism of the uplift of the plateau.
The process, time rate, and mechanism are key issues in understanding uplift and extension of the Tibetan Plateau, and attract consistent general concern in the geo-science field in recent decades.
The process, time rate, and mechanism are key issues in understanding uplift and extension of the Tibetan Plateau, and attract consistent general concern in the geo-science field in recent decades.