The upper Palaeozoic reservoirs in the northern Ordos basin are deep basin gas reservoirs.
The target strata in Yulin gas field lie in the bottom of Shanxi Formation of Permian, Upper Palaeozoic.
The Ghost Mountain Au deposit of Luangprabang exists in the Upper Palaeozoic Devonian sandstone, SLATE and Permian limestone.
The proved reserves in Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Upper Palaeozoic, Lower Palaeozoic, Proterozoic respectively are 38%, 17%, 30%, 13% and 2% in total.
新生界、中生界、上古生界、下古生界和元古界分别占总探明地质储量38%、17%、30 %、13%和2 %。
Perhaps there are some tension fractures in it. 4. The complex folds in the upper palaeozoic, the volcano and the seismic zones may be related to the undulation of Moho discontinuity.
The reservoir in Upper Palaeozoic of North Ordos Basin is compacted continental hidden reservoir characterized by lower porosity, lower permeability, lower pressure and multilayer overlapping.
The Early Palaeozoic strata of the upper-Yangtze region are fully developed in Guizhou Province and its adjacent areas.
The Early Palaeozoic strata of the upper-Yangtze region are fully developed in Guizhou Province and its adjacent areas.