East Asia's urban centers, increasingly where output and population are concentrated, are under threat of extreme weather, rising sea levels and other hazards.
Although the serious influence of the climate change on urban environment has been awakened and tried to solve, the unpredictability of extreme climate is a big handicap.
All four offer a rare glimpse behind the surface - skin - of extreme reality, experienced daily by the modern Chinese urban citizen.
Yes, cities like Shanghai are islands of urban prosperity in a sea of rural backwardness, but this growth has also lifted perhaps 300 million people out of extreme poverty.
"Domino" phenomenon is the extreme performance of urban traffic jams form, the consequences and effects are most serious. Therefore, traffic control measures must be taken to prevent this phenomenon.
The landscape design was intended to not only deal with more frequent extreme weather events, but also significantly improve urban livability for both present and future residents.
This thesis inquires on Shen's two extreme world which he experienced, namely rural and urban area.
Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is the heart of everything in the country, making itan extreme primate city, dwarfing Thailand's other urban centers in terms ofimportance.
The extreme daytime temperatures of an urban heat-wave may be hard to ignore, but really, scientists say, it's the nights that kill you.
The extreme daytime temperatures of an urban heat-wave may be hard to ignore, but really, scientists say, it's the nights that kill you.