I was in real estate, mainly urban revitalization, and Marcia was a social worker, which she'd been for most of our married life.
At the start of the second part of the course, we will pause to examine the rationale underlying this popular approach to urban revitalization.
The pedestrian bridge over Sant Ignasi Road is a fundamental part of an ambitious urban revitalization plan for the center of Manresa, a city near Barcelona.
At last, Professor HO shares some of his projects in different cities, which range from new town planning, urban revitalization, new districts planning to real estate planning and etc.
Course introduction; What is a business improvement district? A comparison of the BID to other urban revitalization strategies, followed by a brief introduction to policy network theory.
Still, it’s an interesting concept that could inform future urban planning and revitalization projects.
Old railway revitalization in Dandong and urban rail transit network along the Yangtze River in Nanjing Megalopolis are analyzed with their impact on urban form and structure.
Old railway revitalization in Dandong and urban rail transit network along the Yangtze River in Nanjing Megalopolis are analyzed with their impact on urban form and structure.