You'll need to expand this to support an optional user name at the end of the path.
You're given a user name, a URL, an image name, and an optional S3 bucket name.
您将获得一个用户名、一个URL、一个照片名和一个可选的S3bucket 名。
Why couldn't we add a simple mechanism to PubSubHub so that when a client subscribes to push updates, it leaves behind some optional identifying information about the user like their name and avatar?
The optional driver attribute specifies the name of the class implementing the database driver, while the user and password attributes provide login credentials for accessing the database, if needed.
Stored procedures and user-defined functions are collections of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed by the database server as a unit.
Stored procedures and user-defined functions are collections of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed by the database server as a unit.