If it is set to true, a validating parser validates the document.
If you need a validating parser, [xmlproc] is currently your only choice in Python.
Unfortunately, the standard Python 2.0 XML package does not contain a validating parser.
不幸的是,标准Python 2.0xml包并不包括验证型语法分析器。
If you have or are planning to use a DTD or schema, you will probably prefer a validating parser.
If you use a validating parser like xmlproc, you can utilize a DTD to verify the dialect of an XML document.
Finally, you can validate documents with an external validating parser, which I discuss later in this article.
By contrast, a validating parser referring to the DTD can only verify that these elements are represented as strings.
The overhead of this request can make a system unscalable if the validating parser does not cache the schema definitions.
In the past, to revalidate your document once it had been modified you had to save it to a file and read it back with a validating parser.
In HTML5, any attribute with a prefix of data- is essentially ignored by the validating parser, and the application is free to interpret those attributes at will.
Through the schema, a validating parser can verify that the element InvoiceNo is a positive integer and the element ProductID consists of one letter between A and Z followed by six digits.
通过模式,验证解析器可以检查元素InvoiceNo 是否是正整数,元素ProductID 的首字符是否为A到 Z之间的字母,后面为六个阿拉伯数字。
If your application does not require validation, you can achieve better performance by using the non-validating parser configuration (org.apache.xerces.parsers.NonValidatingConfiguration).
如果应用程序不需要验证,使用非验证解析器配置(or g . apache . xerces . parsers .NonValidatingConfiguration)能够获得更好的性能。
This new option may be found under XMLNSC Parser Options and is only enabled in validating mode.
这个新选项可以在XMLNSC ParserOptions下面找到,并且仅在验证模式下才是启用的。
While reading the response, a validating XML parser will contact the pushtotest.com host to get the XML Schema definition for the mapformat.
在读取响应的同时,确认XML解析器就会联系 pushtotest.com主机来获得用于 mapformat的 XML模式定义。
xmllib is a non-validating and low-level parser.
Is a non-validating and low-level parser.
Xerces-C++ is an open source validating XML parser available from Apache.
Xerces-C++是可从Apache 获得的开放源码XML 验证解析器。
Xerces-C++ is an open source validating XML parser available from Apache.
Xerces-C++是可从Apache 获得的开放源码XML 验证解析器。