The better resolution in horizontal and vertical compenents for the crustal velocity structure can be obtained by using local earthquake data.
The goal of this work is to understand the difference between vertical structure and horizontal structure on data management.
Vertical structure of planktonic Ostracoda distribution in China Seas is described according to the data derived from the depth depended sampling in those seas.
In the late 1990s, lacking any XML data structure organizations, vertical groups again led the charge to create specific vertical-industry data structures.
The L625 differential absorption lidar (DIAL) is introduced to measure vertical ozone profiles in the troposphere. System structure, measurement principle and data processing are also described.
介绍了用于探测对流层大气臭氧的L6 2 5差分吸收激光雷达系统,叙述了该激光雷达的结构、探测大气臭氧的原理和数据处理方法。
The L625 differential absorption lidar (DIAL) is introduced to measure vertical ozone profiles in the troposphere. System structure, measurement principle and data processing are also described.
介绍了用于探测对流层大气臭氧的L6 2 5差分吸收激光雷达系统,叙述了该激光雷达的结构、探测大气臭氧的原理和数据处理方法。