In these critical fields, the system generally has large scale and complicated logic function, and requires very high reliability and safety of the software.
The design of control program is a very important link in the develop study of PLC's application system, especially in its large -scale application system.
Power plant of modern power system has large capacity and the proportion of large-scale power plant is very big.
A computer aided simulation system CASSY (computer aided simulation system) for VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) circuits systems was presented to keep the design procedure of VLSI out of mistakes.
But, the scale of credit funds is expanded, incubation period of benefit is relatively long, and without the system and returning mechanism of the loan, thus universities have very large debt risk.
The possession of large scale system which is different from each other is very common, and unified system is very rare.
However, a P2P system is large in scale, whose component nodes are dynamic, strange to each other and lack of necessary mutual trust. The security issues are very serious in P2P system.
然而,P2 P网络规模大,节点动态性强,交易的节点大多为陌生节点,节点间缺乏必要的信任关系,安全问题十分突出。
An information system is very important in management of large scale science and technology Engineering project.
In order to make the spray-painting robot suitable for high-speed, full-automatic and large-scale spray-painting production line, it is very important to install an automatic paint transfer system.
His current research interests include Computer-aided Design, Design, Debugging and Test of very large scale system-on-a-chip integrated circuits.
His current research interests include Computer-aided Design, Design, Debugging and Test of very large scale system-on-a-chip integrated circuits.