These names, no doubt, have a very bad influence on our young people.
The abnormal meteorology resulted from severe drought and persistent high temperature, brought very bad influence to the Agriculture.
The production of the traditional enterprise has a very bad influence on the nature, which is not favorable to harmonious between the system of the nature and man.
The inducements of the teenager's crime are very complicated, but the bad family environment is one of its important factors that have the negative influence on teenagers.
Indulgence from parents is very likely to throw bad influence on their children.
The bad influence of brain drain to the telecom enterprises is more serious than to the other industries. To keep the talents is very important, especially to the telecom enterprises.
This could be either good or bad, of course, depending on how conservative you usually are and how unusual or outrageous the action. For some people this can be a very liberating influence.
However, the influence may be great enough so that it can not be omitted when hard and integrate rocks are in a very bad environment for a long time, for example, submerged in a saturated state.
However, the influence may be great enough so that it can not be omitted when hard and integrate rocks are in a very bad environment for a long time, for example, submerged in a saturated state.