The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.
After serving a brutal tour of duty, veteran soldier Thomas Conrad is looking forward to a peaceful life at home with his family.
A veteran soldier, THRUST was summoned to Earth by MEGATRON to reinforce DECEPTICON military ideas, and swiftly became MEGATRON'S number two in command.
The US soldier Daniel Pharr was tied to skydiving veteran George Steele when the instructor stopped talking as the pair hurtled towards the ground over Chester County in South Carolina.
The first, by Phil Klay, an Iraq veteran, tells of the impact of the war on America through the story of a soldier who has come home, after the flag-waving and the cheers.
World War II veteran Melvin Knazze salutes as the colors are retired during a Veterans day observance at Soldier Field Thursday Nov. 11 2010 in Chicago Illinois.
World War II veteran Melvin Knazze salutes as the colors are retired during a Veterans day observance at Soldier Field Thursday Nov. 11 2010 in Chicago Illinois.