The study was carried out by gastroenterologists at Veterans Affairs hospitals in New Mexico and Illinois, and financed by the American Digestive Health Foundation.
The study — conducted by the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Minnesota — appears in the Oct. 28 issue of the Journal of Neural Engineering.
The study was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, the Georgia Cancer Coalition and the American Urological Association Foundation.
Edward Neifeld, a 66-year-old army veteran, joined the study through the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
现年66岁的陆军老兵爱德华?内菲尔德(EdwardNeifeld)通过费城退伍军人医学中心(Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center)加入了此项研究。
The National Institutes of Health and the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center San Francisco funded the study.
The National Institutes of Health and the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center San Francisco funded the study.