Many CFOs and vice presidents can't answer it.
He runs the company. He would pick the Vice Presidents.
I saw that the Directors Vice Presidents are busy at the barbecue.
I saw that the Directors and Vice Presidents are busy at the barbecue.
A: I saw that the Directors and Vice Presidents are busy at the barbecue.
The Council members elect its President, Vice Presidents and other Standing Council members.
One of the vice presidents of the company told me to buy the stock and the other told me not to!
He negotiated that into a role on the bank's leadership team as one of the bank's vice presidents.
That doesn't mean they're all vice presidents. Some of them are just key individual contributors.
The company, which has eight employees, has just hired two vice presidents, one for sales and one for marketing.
One of five engineering vice presidents, Merrill is Google's senior director of information systems effectively, the CIO.
Vice presidents, they note, often get a window seat at their bullpen desks, a sort of consolation prize for having lost an office.
In 2006, I was working at my desk when I realized I was one of the few Asian-American vice presidents in a Fortune 100 company.
Instructors are mostly the experienced associates, vice presidents and managing directors of product and business areas within the firm.
He spoke to an audience that included the Bank Group's senior management — the President, managing directors, vice presidents and their senior staff.
Managers as referred to in the first paragraph include presidents, vice presidents, assistant vice presidents and directors and deputy directors of each business department.
After Mr Trehan took charge in 2000, he cut the company's payroll from 10,500 to 5,500 in 18 months, starting with 34 directors, presidents, vice presidents and general managers.
AVIC is looking for vice presidents for 13 subsidiaries who have experience at multinational companies in marketing, research and production, said Ding Zhiyong, a company spokesman.
公司的发言人丁智勇(Ding Zhiyong音译)透露说,集团公司旗下13家子公司正在全球范围内寻求胜任副总的人才,要求能在市场营销、研究设计和生产方面具有跨国航空制造商背景及丰富经验。
Example: Once a quarter, Papercp (disguised) provides a two and a half-day session on the company for all of national account managers. The vice presidents from each department address the group.
Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.
Even so, chiefs are relatively rare compared with presidents and their various declensions (vice -, assistant -, etc).
Akio Toyoda himself, as one of five executive vice-presidents, isn't entirely free of blame for the company's recent woes.
The most basic is the growing complexity of businesses. Many not only have presidents and vice-presidents for this or that product line, but also presidents and vice-presidents for various regions.
He will be joined by Jim Benedetto and Steve Pearman, senior vice-presidents of engineering and product strategy.
Book authors: at the Telco I used to work at, I would schedule 1 hour brainstorming sessions once a month with each of the business vice-presidents. I never discussed SOA.
Wilby adds the vice-presidents of all the departments to use the space so that they can contribute their ideas to his vision.
Wilby adds the vice-presidents of all the departments to use the space so that they can contribute their ideas to his vision.