Plagued by a widening gap between rich and poor, the peasants in rural China can only rely on themselves to go abroad in order to break the vicious cycle of poverty and disease.
There is a vicious cycle of poverty that prevents poor communities being able to pay for treatment, coupled with endemic malaria that depresses economies in the communities most affected.
It perpetuates the vicious cycle of under-achievement, benefit dependency, ill health, lack of aspiration, poor parenting and child poverty that blights so many areas of Britain.
The result is a “vicious cycle where poverty causes malnutrition, and malnutrition perpetuates poverty, “says Tamar Manuelyan Atinc, vice president of the World Bank’s Human Development Network.
However, poverty forces children to drop out of school to work. As history repeats itself, the vicious-cycle of poverty seems to be the fate of future generations.
However, poverty forces children to drop out of school to work. As history repeats itself, the vicious-cycle of poverty seems to be the fate of future generations.