Erald vucini at Vienna University of Technology and colleagues have developed mathematical tools that work out the best way to display data not captured on a regular framework.
维也纳工业大学的Erald vucini和他的同事共同研制出来一种数学工具,这个工具是以最好的方法来显示数据,而不是在规则的框架中描绘数据。
Gilbert Wondracek at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria and his colleagues built a history-stealing website aimed at groups on Xing, a business-orientated social network.
奥地利维也纳科技大学的Gilbert Wondracek和他的同事建立了一个针对商业社交网站Xing的窃取网站。
After he studied at the University of Science and Technology of China from 1985 to 1995, Pan went to Vienna in 1996 for further studies and stayed there until 2001.
After he studied at the University of Science and Technology of China from 1985 to 1995, Pan went to Vienna in 1996 for further studies and stayed there until 2001.