Therefore, strengthening the building of career guidance curriculum in higher vocational colleges is particularly important and urgent.
The theory on vocational guidance of Huang Yanpei's creation career an endless process, it has it's ages background and personal condition of formation.
In vocational institutes, we should establish professional guiding teams, connect with the society closely, carry out our work according to our plan and provide classes of career guidance.
This article will discuss the necessity and feasibility of the career guidance to the vocational college students, and analyze the tutors'role in career guidance and how to do the work.
Thus the higher vocational education should protrude the characteristics of career and emphasize the professional guidance and training.
This section, firstly, indicates the significance and the theoretical basis of constructing whole career guidance curriculum in higher vocational colleges;
This section, firstly, indicates the significance and the theoretical basis of constructing whole career guidance curriculum in higher vocational colleges;