Great efforts should be made to develop vocational education and training, and to establish an education system featuring vocational education with general education.
Vocational education and training is an essential part of the life-long education system.
Vocational certificate system is the bridge to combine the system of education, training, employment and enterprises together.
The system of vocational education consists of school education, training, industrial education, informal education of team and self-improvement on the post.
Vocational certificate system and vocational skill appraisal activities not only originate in production system, but also go hand in hand together with education and training.
The conflict between the traditional teaching pattern of three stages, its old curriculum system and the talents training of higher vocational education.
Organize and instruct tourism education and training, stipulate the vocational qualification system and ranking system for tourism employees with relevant authorities and supervise the implementation.
A comprehensive system of vocational education and technical training provides the economy with well-trained manpower at craft, technician and higher technician levels.
After the practice teaching system for vocational education of research and practice, we set up the comprehensive training room, imitation Banks better solve the above problems.
Not only do these inmates clog the system, they are also less likely to take advantage of vocational training or education in prison, and more likely to be put back behind bars after their release.
This will place huge demands on the Chinese public and private education system as well as all forms of corporate and vocational training, coaching and other channels of developing talent.
Australia is one of the most successful countries in vocational education and training, and its professional qualification certificate system is even more unique.
Australia is one of the most successful countries in vocational education and training, and its professional qualification certificate system is even more unique.