Based on theoretical analysis, inviscid Helmholtz vorticity equation is used to in paint image.
Modified the vorticity equation obtained in the first half of the class to include the earth's rotation.
Finally, the application prospects of the complete form vorticity equation in weather and climate studies are discussed.
A simple LB model is present to numerically solve the quasi-geostrophic barotropic equivalent vorticity equation at first.
In this paper, the author advances a new method for handling the vorticity boundary condition and USES the higher order accurate schemes to solve the steam function-vorticity equation.
The vorticity equation was first established and the characteristics of vortex motion in two-dimensional shallow-water flows was analyzed, and then discrete vortex method (DVM) was briefly described.
The stretching term in the vorticity transport equation is found to be the main mechanism to reduce the degree of mixing in axisymmetric plume.
The equation between secondary flow and vorticity is established through kinematic analysis. One new method of digital visualization for secondary flow in curved passage is presented.
The equation between secondary flow and vorticity is established through kinematic analysis. One new method of digital visualization for secondary flow in curved passage is presented.