The speakers of my old stereo finally gave out and there was no way to repair them.
Why, when I was your age, everything you bought—from your toaster to your car—came with a repair kit just to get the damn thing working right out of the box.
And to masons, and hewers of stone, and to buy timber and hewed stone to repair the breaches of the house of the LORD, and for all that was laid out for the house to repair it.
Results The cDNA microarray results indicated that 12 out of 64 DNA repair related genes in HGC27 cells were down-regulated (inferior to 0.5 fold) and 6 genes was up-regulated (superior to 2 folds).
The reason of thinning out of the upper shell and spherical head for coke tower was analyzed briefly. The temporary repair measure was proposed.
An experiment using decron-silicon gum membrane, which was made of 9708 decron cloth and silicon gum, to repair the peritoneal defect in rabbits and dogs was carried out with satisfactory results.
Unilateral VATS was carried out in 48 cases, all of which were completed under thoracoscope except 3 cases of heart injuries were supplemented with mini-incision repair.
Study on evaluation method and standard of ageing and out-of-repair project was conducted in combination with the features of channel projects in lower Yellow River.
The fatigue test of the damaged blades and repaired blades have been carried out respectively. According to the data, the repair scale of FOD blades was proposed.
The fatigue test of the damaged blades and repaired blades have been carried out respectively. According to the data, the repair scale of FOD blades was proposed.