Now we have got the technology to treat and reuse the wastewater.
So it is significant to research the technology of wastewater reuse.
Lime process is an important technology for reuse of urban reclaimed wastewater in recirculating cooling system.
It is introduced that membrane separation technology in the treatment and reuse of papermaking wastewater are researched and applied.
It is proposed that the decentralized system for wastewater treatment and reuse is the promising fields for MBR and the control of membrane fouling is still the key point for MBR technology research.
指出M BR在分散式污水处理及回用等领域有较好前景,膜污染控制是MBR的技术研究要点。
Water pinch technology is a process integration technology, which can be used in the optimization of enterprise water-using system to increase wastewater reuse rate.
Based on the experiments, the appropriation and efficiency of the utilization of facultative bio-chemical technology for aquatic wastewater treatment and reuse are discussed.
How to strengthen the cost effective technology of reuse of sludge in wastewater treatment plant will be the focus in the future study.
How to strengthen the cost effective technology of reuse of sludge in wastewater treatment plant will be the focus in the future study.