The correlation between mass density and refractive index is analysed on the basis of a model comprising compact grains (i. e., amorphous or crystalline) and pores filled with air or water.
Based on experimental apparatus, how the spray density and water temperature affected the heat and mass transfer performance of the evaporative condenser are studied.
The effect of the rise of ground water level was simulated by increasing the mass density of pore water in the soil elements between the initial and targeted ground water levels.
Effects of bulk density on the two parameters were analyzed. The results showed that saturated mass water content decreased with the increment of bulk density and was inverse to bulk density.
CT revealed multilocular or single locular and thin-walled cystic mass, which showed homogeneous water like density.
CT revealed multilocular or single locular and thin-walled cystic mass, which showed homogeneous water like density.