Assuming the best: When our pets make mistakes, we don't take it personally and are quick to forgive.
In real life: According to a poll we took of 500 women, over half said that if you were to shy away from them in public, they'd take it personally.
We found that prayer really can help people cope with their anger, probably by helping them change how they view the events that angered them and helping them take it less personally.
Personally, it took us perhaps 20 minutes — but we had to take a phone call during that time.
When we feel miserable, just because we want to gain too much. when we take everything seriously, we must be unhappy. it is not because we owe so little, but we take too much personally.
I wish that I could take you to hell for two weeks so we could personally experience how terrible it is.
This understanding prevents their criticism from being too hurtful. We don't take it personally.
This understanding prevents their criticism from being too hurtful. We don't take it personally.