He has proven his ability to weather a storm and come out on top, important for any celebrity.
If you have ever watched a large healthy tree weather a storm, you will note that while the trunk is relatively rigid, it remains flexible.
They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days.
When a big storm occurs, the Space Weather Prediction Center releases a warning to the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, emergency managers and agencies responsible for protecting power grids.
What's more, the weather had now taken a filthy turn for the worst. Already above the snow line, a series of hail storm showers were stinging my face.
Meteorologist Jeff Masters, director of the Weather Underground website, said flooding caused by Hurricane Irene could be worse than usual, because the storm will be making landfall during a new moon.
But if you commit your relationship to God and make a conscious decision each day to put God and your partner first, your marriage will be able to weather any storm.
The statistical data from weather bureau showed there was a storm soon.
Not entirely, but it can help you to find a career with long-term stability. And that can help you to weather the next economic storm.
Before watering your lawn, check the weather forecast to avoid pre-watering your lawn before a storm.
This still doesn't make you win RACES when there isn't a storm, which thankfully is the normal economic weather.
Weather forecasters say a winter storm has dumped at least 21 centimeters of snow across the region.
"Keep in mind that storm surge is a killing mechanism," says Walt Zaleski, a warning-co-ordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Fort Worth, Texas.
A National Weather Service spokesman said the early-season winter storm brought particularly wet and heavy snow due to near, but not below, freezing temperatures.
Foul weather in space is also bad news for astronauts. A bad storm could kill an unshielded individual.
The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.
The eye is a region of mostly calm weather found at the center of strong tropical cyclones. The eye of a storm is a roughly circular area and typically 30-65 km in diameter.
“风眼”是强热带气旋中心的一块平静区域,通常呈圆形,直径30- 65千米。
The chief executive, surrounded by the comforting luster of wood paneling in a 12th-floor dining room, calmly assured his lieutenants that Bear Stearns would weather the storm.
In spite of a present lack of such evidence, Jackson is confident string theory will weather the storm.
The weather cleared up after a heavy storm.
Surprisingly, the weather report on the evening before the storm said there would be strong winds, but not a hurricane.
They move en masse along Seventh and Eighth Avenues like a storm system on a weather map, heading north in the mornings and south in the evenings.
While it is never fun to see the industry enter a downturn, I have learned that this can actually be a very productive period for the smart companies that know how to weather the storm.
But actually, when we arrived the destination, the weather changed a lot, at the beginning it was raining, and then was storm.
If you stand "under the weather," you might have a dark storm cloud over your head, and you might not feel very well.
The U. s. East Coast is preparing for a major snow storm that weather experts are calling "historic" even before any snow falls.
The weather forecast warned that a storm was coming.
The weather forecast warned that a storm was coming.