The weightiness of Computer English.
The planning methods are the Weightiness method and Dynamic Clustering method.
Every person would be exactly as important as any other. All facts would also be given equal weightiness.
The researchers wanted to know whether the sensation of weightiness might influence people's judgments more broadly.
Not just any information, but highly filtered and relevant information beyond the weightiness of full Web pages and extraneous data.
The calculating result showed that it fit for the experiment result, and would simulate weightiness proportion segregation phenomena truly.
Then comparing between every two factors have done and get the sort order by weightiness of all factors by using Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP).
Bring forward the conception of "ESD Event Weightiness", and research the method of account of "the Structure Weightiness" and "the Property Weightiness".
The weightiness of the earlier stage, humor and ridicule of the later and finally the joy of pure form can only make us taste a kind of bleak flavor of life.
But if there was any truth to the pattern that Ms. Buckles and Mr. Hungerman discovered, it would question the weightiness of other factors from past research.
Firstly in this paper a new method to realize Information filtering based on News Weightiness is brought forward, then the key techniques of filtering Algorithm is also presented.
Furthermore, the resemblance and dissimilarity between alternatives, weightiness and conflict between attributes, and the sensitivity of the result are also indicated briefly and directly.
Furthermore, the resemblance and dissimilarity between alternatives, weightiness and conflict between attributes, and the sensitivity of the result are also indicated briefly and directly.