The town was weirdly familiar.
You risk having people look at you weirdly.
In fact, whenever I say something people look at me very weirdly.
How weirdly defensive they seemed to become when the subject turned to money.
There was no board and no way to win-and those weirdly shaped dice looked confusing.
Another special characteristic of Kweilin is its weirdly-shaped mountain grottoes.
To start a new search, you have to click a button called, weirdly, "Reset Constraints."
This cat has chosen to sleep on top of a dog and weirdly, the dog doesn't seem to mind.
这只猫选择把自己的窝安在一只狗身上而奇怪的是,这只狗狗完全不介意。 缎。
Unlike wages, pension promises have been deemed, weirdly, to be permanent and sacrosanct.
And weirdly, I think I bring out the best in him. He's been a perfect gentleman this whole week.
Even the prose is weirdly rootless: the multicultural argot of global VIPs who spend their lives at 35,000 feet.
Weirdly, the only time Maria felt even close to normal during these attacks was when she was standing in a hot shower.
This lamp USES bioluminescent bacteria to light up a room, a component of the weirdly compelling Microbial Home concept.
I was alone. I could hear no calls or cries — only the sound of the waves, made weirdly hollow and reverberant by the fog.
Vierna nodded, grinning weirdly all the while, her pearly white teeth contrasting dramatically with her shining ebony skin.
I mean, what other sport keeps some arbitrary amount of extra time in an official's back pocket? It's so stupid yet weirdly effective.
The Great Gatsby is one of the best-known American novels, but weirdly, and strangely reflective of Gatsby himself, one of the least understood.
Out of the locket's two Windows, out of the eyes, there bloomed, like two grotesque bubbles, the heads of Harry and Hermione, weirdly distorted.
But such perspective was not what it was about as 18,997 fans in the arena sweated with the players through a weirdly entertaining defensive battle.
Users see the site as sanctified space, a place to engage in intimate conversations with friends-not to be laser-beamed by weirdly personal advertising.
Then, as you get more comfortable maintaining eye contact, try saying hello or just smiling at them (not weirdly, just a regular smile as if to yourself).
Weirdly, the scene I saw at Barneys shouldn't have been as awkward for The Boyfriend as you'd think. 15)Androgyny is quite common in the fashion industry.
奇怪的是,我在巴尼斯百货连锁店看到的这番情景中那位男士并非你想象的那么奇怪。 “雌雄同体”现象在时尚产业中颇为常见。
Weirdly, the scene I saw at Barneys shouldn't have been as awkward for The Boyfriend as you'd think. 15)Androgyny is quite common in the fashion industry.
奇怪的是,我在巴尼斯百货连锁店看到的这番情景中那位男士并非你想象的那么奇怪。 “雌雄同体”现象在时尚产业中颇为常见。