For many applications, well-formed XML documents might be all you need.
Therefore, although all valid XML documents are well-formed, not all well-formed XML documents are valid.
This enables well-formed XML documents to be stored in their hierarchical form within columns of Siebel tables.
XMLFox, a freeware product, is an XML editor with a validator tool for creating well-formed XML documents and schemas.
XMLFox是一个免费的、带有验证器工具的XML编辑器,用于创建格式良好的 XML文档和模式。
You can store and query well-formed XML documents together in the same column even if they conform to different schemas.
Therefore, high-security applications may require some limits on which well-formed XML documents they're able to process.
XPath and jQuery have powerful querying semantics for selecting nodes from well-formed XML documents, including XHTML pages.
JSP pages are rarely well-formed XML documents, never mind conforming to XHTML, a markup language that doesn't allow the various JSP custom tag libraries.
JSP页面很少具有格式良好的XML文档,并且不重视是否符合XHTML,而 XHTML 这种标记语言并不允许使用各种 JSP自定义标记库。
We can afford that while using a DB2 9 data server, and taking advantage of the native XML data persistence, which enables well-formed XML documents to be stored in their hierarchical form.
如果使用DB 29数据服务器,并利用本地XML数据持久性,则可以按分层格式存储格式良好的XML文档。
In well-formed-only XML documents, you are free to play with order; after all, in this case any tag can go inside any other tag, at any depth.
While passing the values as a parameter, make sure that the documents are well formed XML documents.
As such, XHTML documents must conform to the rules of XML, and be well-formed.
You can use these schemas when testing your deployment process to manually verify that the XML documents you are providing as input to the DB2 procedures are well formed.
在测试部署进程时可以使用这些模式手动确认为DB 2过程提供的输入XML文档具有良好的格式。
What you've created up to this point are "well-formed" XML documents: They follow a very small number of rules and are suited to many different kinds of processing systems.
XML documents are required to be well-formed (with elements nested properly).
It ensures that XML documents conform to the rules provided by XML schemas, as well as being well-formed.
You should be able to write well formed XML 1.0 documents.
您应能够编写良构的XML 1.0文档。
Using XML Transforms (XSLT) is a logical choice to transform documents when the source and destination are both well-formed XML files.
如果源文件和目标文件都是结构良好的XML文件,那么使用XMLTransforms (XSLT)进行文档转换是合理的选择。
XML is a markup language where everything has to be marked up correctly, which results in "well-formed" documents.
XML document model is described by formal method. Some rules are provided to guarantee that the described documents are well-formed.
XML document model is described by formal method. Some rules are provided to guarantee that the described documents are well-formed.