For reasons that aren't yet well understood, cloned animals often abort spontaneously or are born with defects.
She was born in Poland. Her father worked as a middle school headmaster and taught math and physics, so she enjoyed and did well in these two subjects at school.
He was born of fairly well-to-do parents.
This should be wonderful news for... well, for all women born in 1979 and 1980, who can rejoice in the realisation that they are – or are about to be – at their peak.
这对所有在1979和1980 年出生的女人来说应该是一个很棒的消息,她们会为自己正处于或即将处于人生的黄金时刻而感到高兴。
'Well, for my own part,' said the Woodpecker, who was a born philosopher, 'I don't care an atomic theory for explanations.
Well, you know Don Bradley... he 's born and bred in Los Angles.
People born in the Year of the Tiger are generally well liked because of their charming personalities.
A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?
Well we can certainly deduce one thing from Jobs' response - he was born to Tweet!
So it would be useless if, in terms of research, at least for us, if he would say, well, some people are born with it, and others are not.
The chapter details the possible effects of anti-gravity on menstruation and fertility, as well as the significance of a child born on Mars.
The summer light in the sky, well before 5 a.m., the morning after our son was born there.
Well, four, but one was a secret because he was born out of wedlock and had been shipped off to Italy in infancy because … uh, never mind.
Besides, for reasons that aren't yet well understood, cloned animals often abort spontaneously or are born with defects; Dolly died very young, though she had seemed healthy.
Anxiety born in human genes is well enough to give people a hard time, let alone the lifelong anxiety caused by death. It is said that this innate anxiety disorder doesnot only affect humans.
But today, Mr Yapias says ruefully, it is the Mexicans and Chicanos (American citizens of Mexican ancestry), as well as other Latinos such as himself (born in Peru), who tend to be asked for papers.
The proportion of foreign-born people in many Western countries has surged well above 10%: this includes Greece and Ireland, from where emigrants used to leave.
Certainly, when such high-born personages try for the office, we may as well say 'Good-night,' and go home.
When you kiss your sweetheart you may well turn your head to the right, echoing a preference born in the womb, a researcher suggests.
Mr Gration was born in Congo to missionary parents, speaks Swahili and knows the region well.
Moreover, the research shows that intelligence tests measure the capability equally well for all native-born English-speaking groups in the U.S..
But this crisis was born of economic excess as well as financial folly; given the torrent of capital flowing into America, Britain, Spain and so on, almost any financial system would have gone wrong.
For example, the rich and well-born are not always good looking.
So, if I wanted to cause you to feel moral concern for a fetus, I would do well to describe it as a pre-born child.
So, if I wanted to cause you to feel moral concern for a fetus, I would do well to describe it as a pre-born child.