Some villages do not have a well and pump, so they have to fetch water with containers from miles far away.
We pump water from the well for daily use.
They supply the energy for a submersible pump that pumps the water up from a well that is 105 feet deep and for a small desalination unit that satisfies farmers' potable water requirements.
They pump water down an injection Wells (the blue well), where it is heated by the rock.
Now, over the last few days BP has placed a cap over the well, and it appears they're making progress in trying to pump oil to the surface to keep it from leaking into the water.
Well understand water treatment products in terms of performance and price, such as pump, valve, etc.
Life in the village is too primitive for me; if you want any water you have to pump it up from a well.
Every evening we pump water from a well.
The function of this machine is to pump water from the well.
In a construction of water source well in Zhangzi County, Shanxi, we used available 7/9 air compressor and TB850/50 slurry pump, and foam pressurized drilling technique.
As he cannot pump enough water out of the well, irrigation for his cornfield has become impossible and he's faced with losing his flock of 100 sheep and 20 oxen because of lack of fodder.
The basic principle of frequency and constant voltage water supply is discussed, as well as its application in pump station.
Normally, the cumulated water in top cover is drained to cumulated water well by gravity drainage, in emergency situation, the water would be drained by the self-priming pump installed in gallery.
Pump inlet strainers are an important component in a well designed water pressure system, since they protect the pump and ship systems from potentially fatal debris.
Based on introduction of the composition, characteristics and function of the deep well hand pump water supply project, the project's plan, construction and management are described.
Proposes that for central plain area using water source heat pump unit, solving the issues of irrigating well water back for different geological area must be emphasized.
The regular operation of the heat pump system for deep well water source depends especially on the sufficient and stable supply of deep well water.
Related production parameters of water blending well above pump are optimized through the research of software simulation.
It is proved with the example that the new method works well for water pump efficiency characteristic curve fitting.
Circulate the characteristic graph through the water pump, to carry on the theories analysis of the water supply system water pump capacity equipment of the new mineral well.
We have a pump for drawing water from the well.
Creates the fertile company mainly to be engaged in the water source heat pump type central air conditioning, as well as industry afterheat recycling.
Inadequate submergence can result in pre-rotation of the water in the wet-well, resulting in the formation of strong free-surface air core vortices and the entrance of air into the pump suction inlet.
The design of infiltration ditch contains the obtaining water tube, anti-filter layer, well, pump house and other accessory building.
This pump takes condensate water from the condenser hot well and supplies it to the condensate booster pump through the gland condenser and the condensate demineralizer.
The chief of Kwakukrom, holding the pump handle, and members of his community helped build a new well that provides clean water.
Mainly used in geology, shallow water, oil, frozen construction well drilling in the supply of flushing fluid, medium for mud, water, can also be used as an infusion pump above.
A boiler integrated into the heat pump system that allows the system to provide domestic hot water as well as heating and cooling.
A boiler integrated into the heat pump system that allows the system to provide domestic hot water as well as heating and cooling.