I have learnt that the problem of air pollution is universal and that we were likely to run out of some natural resources.
In addition, 28% of respondents that did not have meeting facilities stated that they were likely to invest in them during the next five years.
Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participants were likely to live longer.
He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.
Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts.
were likely to touch even such a hardened little reprobate as Becky.
By comparison, only 10 per cent said they were likely to deceive their partners.
Chuene pointed out that the reports from Australia were likely to have a psychological effect on Semenya.
Times Editor James Harding admitted that the move was a risk, since many readers were likely to be lost.
Other publishers, faced with books that were likely to cause widespread offence, have been less resolute.
The bombshell burst this week, in the dog days of summer, when fewer Japanese were likely to be bothered.
Participants who made notes to compensate for the vagaries of memory were likely to make the best decisions.
Once you think about it you will realize that one or two, if not all three were likely to have happened by chance.
Steadily married men -- those who remained in long-term marriages -- were likely to live to age 70 and beyond;
Diplomats said negotiations were likely to come down to the wire as Abbas plans to submit the request on Friday.
The survey also found that most respondents were likely to have a lot of ideas either in or just after a shower.
Taylor said even the new IEA projections of how much new oil the world would discover were likely to be over-optimistic.
Six Armenian citizens and two Georgian citizens were on the flight, and the rest were likely to be Iranians, Pogosian said.
But when women did possess a firm handshake, they were likely to be evaluated more favorably than their male counterparts.
As the Twin Towers came down, it dawned on her that some of her ex-colleagues and friends were likely to have been involved.
It said bondholders were likely to get back only 30-50% of their principal were Greece to restructure its debt or to default.
它认为如果希腊进行债务重组或者违约,债券持有人将仅仅收回大约30%- 50%的本金。
One of the people familiar with the talks said that the stakes to be bought or swapped were likely to be smaller than 10 per cent.
Police said fallen power lines were likely to have sparked the Toodyay blaze, since there were no other possible causes in the area.
Far from being lumbering slow beasts that boosted their energy levels by basking in the sun, they were likely to have been agile and active.
Those who learned they were likely to develop the condition were happier a year after testing than those who didn't learn what their risk was.
He claimed not to know when asset prices were in a bubble but he did always claim to know when falling asset prices were likely to cause havoc.
He claimed not to know when asset prices were in a bubble but he did always claim to know when falling asset prices were likely to cause havoc.